Friday, April 15, 2005
10 Killer Ways To Make Your Online Testimonials More Believable
Today's feature article is:
10 Killer Ways To Make Your Online Testimonials More Believable
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Ask people if they would e-mail a picture with their
testimonial. If they don't have one scanned you could
have them send their picture by mail and you could
scan it. This technique will give your testimonials more
Most online testimonials you see have text signatures.
You could have people mail their written signature,
scan it, and upload it with their testimonial. People
will feel the testimonial is more official.
You could record people's testimonials with a mini tape
recorder over the phone, on your answering machine,
or voice mail. Then you could convert the recording
into a online audio file and upload it to your web site.
You can find more information about converting audio
recording's by typing "real audio" at a search engine.
Have people mail you their testimonial on a postcard,
scan it and upload it to your web site. This will give
people proof that the testimonial isn't fake because
it will have a post mark on it.
Ask people to include a profile of themselves with their
testimonial. You could just have them answer some
questions like age, occupation, hobbies, favorite quote,
etc. This will make your testimonials more entertaining
to read.
This is similar to the "electronic signature" tip. Scan
and upload the entire written testimonial or letter to
your web site. This will give your testimonials a feel
of realism.
You could record peoples testimonials over the phone
with a mini tape recorder. Then, take the recording
and record it to an answering machine or voice mail
system. Under each one, include a phone number they
can call to hear the actual testimonial.
When you get e-mail testimonials, publish the entire
e-mail message instead of just the contents. It will be
more believable because it will include the date, time,
subject, who it's from and who it's to.
When you get testimonials from people, ask them if
you could include their contact information under the
testimonial. This will allow potential customers to ask
your current customers questions about your product
or service before they Usually, they will trust
them more than you.
If some of the people who give you testimonials have
a camcorder, ask them to record their testimonial on
video and send it to you. Then you could convert the
video to an online video file and upload it to your site.
You can find more information about converting audio
recording's by typing "real video" at a search engine.
Quote of the Day:
"Knowledge is the food of the soul." -- Plato
Warm regards,
Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
10 Killer Ways To Make People Click
Today's feature article is:
10 Killer Ways To Make People Click
Visit our sponsor:
Would you like to make money online, but don't know
where to begin? Here's 3 easy steps that really work:
1. Use reverse psychology on your banner ads. You
could tell people not to c.lick on your banner ad. For
example "Don't C.lick Here If You Are Comfortable
With Your Looks"
2. Make your banner ad words as attractive as
possible. Use words like ultimate, powerful, sizzling,
hot, etc. Your words should relate and highlight
your total o.ffer.
3. O.ffer a discount o.ffer on your banner ad. People
are always looking for good deals. You could o.ffer
a percentage discount, dollar discount, one get
one f.ree discount, etc.
4. Use a testimonial on your banner ad. This'll give
people proof they aren't wasting their time clicking
on your banner ad. The testimonial should include
enough information so they understand the o.ffer.
5. You could have a famous and respectable person
on your banner ad representing your product, web
site or service. People will c.lick because they'll trust
them over you.
6. Use a strong g.uarantee on your banner ad. You
could include the g.uarantee as a headline for your
o.ffer. It could read double or triple your m.oney back
g.uarantee, lifetime your m.oney back g.uarantee, etc.
7. Tell people to c.lick on your banner ad. Newbies
to the internet may net even know they can c.lick on
banners. Just having the phrase "c.lick here" on your
banner will i.ncrease your clickthroughs.
8. You could advertise a trial or sample o.ffer. This
will tell people there is no r.isk or obligation if they
c.lick on your banner ad and try out your product or
9. Tell people the major benefit of your product, web
site or service on your banner ad. It could be benefits
like make m.oney, l.ose weight, i.ncrease energy, save
money, save time, etc.
10. You could advertise a f.ree o.ffer on your banner
ad. People love f.ree stuff. The freebie should relate
to your target audience. If the freebie is attractive
to them they will c.lick.
Quote of the Day:
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the b.ody." --
Sir Richard Steele
Warm regards,
Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro
Monday, April 11, 2005
10 Killer Ways To Keep Your Profits Rolling
Today's feature article is:
10 Killer Ways To Keep Your P.rofits Rolling
Visit our sponsor:
Launch your very own m.oney making website today
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1. Give people a free online utility. When you offer
a utility that can solve a person's problem, people
will definitely visit your web site.
2. O.ffer a free affiliate/reseller program. When you
o.ffer people a free opportunity to m.ake money they
will line up to visit your web site.
3. Supply news stories related to your site. People
want current news on the topics they are interested
in. You could also include new "how to" articles.
4. O.ffer your visitors a free community. People like
to have a place were they can have discussions with
others on a particular subject.
5. Make people feel safe when they order. Explain
to them you won't sell their e-mail address and all
their personal information will be kept confidential.
6. Offer free samples or trials of your product. This
will let people experience your product and attract
people to your web site.
7. Make your ad copy attractive. Your ad should
lists benefits before the features. Include guarantees
and testimonials in your ad.
8. Remind people to come back and visit your site.
They usually don't purchase the first time. The more
times they visit, the greater the chance they'll buy.
9. Let people know anything about your business
history. They'll feel more comfortable if they know
who they are buying from.
10. Give people as many ordering options. Accept
c.redit cards, checks, money orders, and other forms
of electronic payments.
Quote of the Day:
"We can get over being poor, but it takes longer to get
over being ignorant." -- Jane Sequichie Hifler
Warm regards,
Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro