email marketing - direct marketing search box

Saturday, February 26, 2005


Sell Less To Sell More


(Study Break)


The folks at MacDonald`s are right. "You deserve a break

You`ve been doing a bang-up job reading these lessons and
learning your marketing A-B-C`s, but without a break, your
circuits are going to overload and instead of looking
forward to my`ll do exactly the opposite.
You`ll lose interest.

The same is true with potential customers.

So today, we`re going to take a Study Break, sort of. But
don`t worry, there`s still a valuable lesson to be learned.

"Study Break" Secret -- SELL LESS TO SELL MORE

Instead of getting tunnel-vision and only seeing the
short-term goal of the right-now sale, remember that your
email messages are an important way for you to build a
RELATIONSHIP with a consumer based on your HONESTY AND

Although you want your prospect to buy, you shouldn`t
immediately and constantly bombard the folks on your email
list with nothing but sales pitches. You`re looking for a
long-term, committed relationship. Be a person first and a
salesperson second for the best results.


Your first few email sales letters may prove to be the most
effective if they`re written in a warm, helpful,
let`s-be-business-friends "voice."


In the off-line world, we`ve become accustomed to the fact
that we hear literally thousands of messages each day. An
online experience, on the other hand is still, for most
people, closer to visiting "the library" or perhaps watching
public television rather than tuning into the Home Shopping

Most people are on the Internet looking for information -
not waiting to be sold. People don`t want to be pitched to
every day with a "you`d better buy it now" message.

So don`t be a salesperson. Be Miss Information (okay, Ms.
Information definitely sounds better) or Mr. Answerman.
After you become a trusted resource, it`s easy to become a
trusted source.


Lasting relationships don`t happen overnight...they`re built
over time. Your sales letters should be crafted in a way
that slowly, but surely convinces your prospects that you`re
someone with whom they`d like to do business. After you`ve
laid a foundation -- made them happy with what you`ve given
them as a gift, demonstrated your knowledge, etc. -- you`ll
have plenty of time to build a case for buying from you.


Once your prospects have gotten to know you through your
entire series of pre-written (but valuable)
communications...after you`ve built trust in the relationship
and gradually exposed consumers to the benefits of your
product or can "graduate" them into your "real
time" ezine list.

Obviously, you can`t include a time-dependent message in
your pre-written letter series. People are opting in to
your list 365 days a year and you can`t risk that they`ll
receive a "Season`s Greetings" message in the middle of

BUT, when you`ve exhausted the appeal of your letter series,
the people on your email list can become your ezine list.
Then you can send a Valentine`s message in February, a
"Happy Birthday, America" message in July, etc.


You can influence people when they know you, like you, and
trust you. Ongoing timely communications means you can
continue to build rapport with the people on your list, and
you can be sure that if they TRUST you, they`ll be open to
BUYING from you.

Okay, I`ll admit that this message wasn`t purely a study
break. It may be the most valuable lesson you`ve learned


Michael Larsen - The Home Biz Pro

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The Plug-In Profit Site is the turn-key marketing system our
team is using to build an extraordinary residual income working
from home with EMPOWERISM! Let me know if you need any help!

Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY
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Lesson #4


LESSON #4 - Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing


The bell has "rung" and it`s time for today`s lesson.

First, I`d like you to consider these four facts:

*A DIRECT MAIL PIECE costs about 40-cents in postage alone.
(And then you have to factor in paper and printing costs.)

*A PHONE CALL can cost just as much - or more - than a
direct mail piece.

*A PHONE CALL wastes time (and time is money) because you`ll
spend precious minutes - sometimes hours or days - trying to
contact the right person.

*A MESSAGE left on voice mail is almost always a waste of
time, and therefore a waste of money.

Depressing? Not at all. After you read today`s "Marketing
Strategies that EMPOWER Success" lesson, you`ll be able to
say "NO" to the downside of phone calls and direct mail and
"YES" to the upside of email.

Read on ...

Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing

Given the inherent problems with traditional marketing
techniques, it`s important to master the BASIC STRATEGIES
FOR INTEGRATING EMAIL into your overall campaign.

As I`ve just shown you, sending out an EMAIL CAN BE MUCH
CHEAPER than other marketing methods. Proceed with caution,
however. Email can also cost you a fortune -- in lost
opportunities AND cold hard cash -- IF you don`t know the

So that`s where we`re going to start.

First, always keep in mind that your "primary objective".
the master key that unlocks your "Success Vault" in Internet
Marketing is to build your mailing list - your EMAIL MAILING
LIST. (Often referred to as your "In-house list.")

The addresses you collect are going to mean the difference
between the middle-of-the-road results that Average Joe and
Jane are achieving and the through-the-roof, over-the-top,
to-the-moon-and-back MEGA-success that top online sellers
achieve. (The difference really is that dramatic.) So
don`t miss the boat: The time is NOW to start building your
list of email addresses (prospects).

You can begin to grow your list simply by capturing emails
from people who visit your website, as we have already
discussed in a previous lesson.

=> Pop Quiz: What`s the easiest way to convince people to
give you their email address? (Answer: Offer an
irresistible freebie with a sign-up form on your site or in
a pop-up box, drive traffic to your site, and watch as
people start entering their email address. Don`t have a
freebie? Get a good one from the Empowerism treasure

Okay, so now you`ve "in the groove". you`re capturing
people`s emails like crazy. But if you`re just sitting
there - well, you know the old saying, "Even if you`re on
the right track, you`ll get run over if you just sit there."

So what next?

-- Let me take a moment from telling how to build your email
list to remind you why. It`s been said that - YOU CAN GET
Think about that. Then stop thinking and get going on
new ways to capture and keep email addresses.

(By the way, if you haven`t already "gotten with the
program" yet, I wanted to remind you that EMPOWERISM RSVP
presents an unparalleled opportunity for you to build a
mountain of wealth with a leads-buying program that rewards
you quickly and generously).

If you want to keep getting addresses, start giving stuff
away! Give, give, and keep finding more things to give! And
since you can`t send a TOASTER through email, why not give
the far more valuable -- and far more affordable for you --
INFORMATION PRODUCTS, business tools, and expert
advice - maybe even a no-cost/obligation email marketing
course like this one!

You`ll want to have a series of letters already set up so
that they can be "dripped" on your prospects on a regular
basis. Send a message daily, every other day, or on
whatever schedule suits you best, but make contact AT LEAST

If you`re not confident in your writing skills, you have two
choices: you can hire a professional to write the letters
for you or you can use a system already set up with letters
to help you build your email list. (I suppose the third
choice is to just give up and bury your heard in the sand,
but that`s no way to make a million!)

If you`re serious about this - and you should be, believe
me -- you really should consider tapping into the system
offered by Empowerism. At Empowerism, you can access an
entire AUTOMATED leads/giveaway/database marketing
ALL-IN-ONE SYSTEM that makes it easy for your revenues to

I`ve got something really special planned for your next
message. It`s not a typical lesson.


Michael Larsen - The Home Biz Pro

Friday, February 25, 2005




It’s an old, old saying, but it’s true: you only have one
chance to make a good first impression. And in email, the
first impression is always visual -- a consumer LOOKS/SEES
before he/she READS.

Imagine walking by a grotesquely garish storefront with all
kinds of things hanging off the front porch, every floor
painted a different color, and odd music playing through
loudspeakers. Would you want to walk in the front door? No
way! You’d assume that the owner is a kook, at best, or a
deranged axe murderer, at worst.

Did you ever have an ugly looking email land in your
mailbox? You know what I’m talking about: an orange
background and yellow borders, multi-colored text in all
sizes from gigantic to microscopic, a message that looks like
it was created by a crazed six-year-old? If you did, I bet
you didn’t feel the urge to read it. You probably just
wanted to delete it as quickly as possible.


You want your email message to be friendly and inviting, not
bizarre and scary. The suggestions below -- and they’re
just suggestions, not hard and fast rules -- will go a long
way towards making recipients` eyes say "come on in!" to
your message.


-DON`T use COLOR fonts in your message. (Leave that to
junior high girls who want to write about Britney and

"speaking" in black-and-white, people will give their full
attention to your message without being distracted by your
color scheme.)

-DON`T use UNCOMMON FONTS. (If someone’s system doesn’t
recognize the font you’ve selected, they could see gibberish
instead of your brilliant message).

-DO use the email marketers` FAVORITE FONTS: Arial, Times
New Roman, and Courier New

And please

-DON`T use flashing buttons or banners in your email! (Your
prospects have undoubtedly gotten their fill of "bells and
whistles" when they’ve surfed the Internet. They don’t need
more from you.)


An "email hyperlink" is just techno-talk for a link in your
email to a website, or email address. Sounds simple enough,
and it is -- unless you try to contact a prospect on AOL who
may not be able to receive "clickable" links.

For a link to a web page, you need to write your link this

<a href=""></a>

(And tell your recipient they can copy and paste thislink into their browser if it’s not highlighted.)


Today, it’s common practice on the Internet to tell people
about your product or service with a SIGNATURE TAG, which is
3-6 lines of text (usually) that is automatically added to
every message you send.

If you’d like to add a tag to your messages, simply open
your email program. Find the SIGNATURES TAB (located in the
TOOLS/OPTIONS menu in Outlook Express). Follow the (simple)
instructions for creating a sig file. Easy as pie...and the
results will amaze you.

That’s it for now, but get your "net" ready

Next lesson we’re going to hunt down and CAPTURE EMAILS.

Monday, February 21, 2005


Lesson #1


LESSON #1 - Essential Rules for Effective Email Marketing

Hi Readers,

Yesterday, I promised you the first in a series of
revolutionary lessons in email marketing. This is it, and I
hope you`re looking forward to uncovering the secrets that
it holds. In today`s "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER
Success" lesson, you`re going to learn the BASICS OF EMAIL

Now I know what you`re thinking: Basics don`t sound very
exciting or "empowering." But the basics are the foundation
upon which everything else is built. Miss these and you may
end up spinning your wheels for the next 12 months.
(Wouldn`t you rather be spinning stories about how you made
your first million?)

So find a comfortable spot, put up your feet and let`s get
ready to rumble!

Essential Rules For Effective Email Marketing

If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want to
offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a
consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll
tune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you!

A message that earns respect makes sales. That`s why our
first topic for discussion is email etiquette. (Later in the
course, we`ll talk more about how to write an email sales

Train yourself to always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- stick to
the rules below when crafting your email message.


Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so that
they`re 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you may
need to do a "hard return" by hitting "Enter" at the end of
the line.

Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters?
(Good question! It shows you`re thinking.) There are two
reasons that "less is more":

-- The first thing to remember is that looking at a computer
screen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers.
The shorter span of characters across the screen makes
reading easier and more appealing to the recipient of your
email message.

-- The other reason to go short instead of long is this:
at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email
is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up."
This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.

-- Tip within a Rule #1: Email clients such as Outlook
Express allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to any
character-width you choose. That means you won`t have to
hit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes life

-- Tip within a Rule #2 - You can type 65 asterisks or
dashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Then paste
your email below it to see if any lines extend too far to
the right.


How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoid
listening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes a
screaming salesperson...and no one likes a "screaming" email
message, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped the
volume of their message by using too many capital letters
(not to mention too many exclamation points and other
punctuation) - you`re going to be turned off.

On the Internet, email messages written in all caps are
considered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences and
some words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (As you can
see in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters to
help break up sections of the content from time to time)

-- Tip within a Rule: Consumers buy from a source they
trust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" or
uneducated, and have an appearance that damages the
credibility of an offer.

=> RULE #3 - WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling and Grammar)

Would you be influenced by an email selling you something
that had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sure you
would...and the influence would be negative, not positive!
When a consumer reads a sales message that`s filled with
errors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this person
doesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. His
product is probably the same quality as his emails."

When you`re in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION
and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the
guy down the block. It`s essential that you create an image
of your prospects. Sending emails filled with errors doesn`t
hurt your professional destroys it. (Ouch!)

That`s it for now, but I`ll be back with Lesson #2 faster
than you can say, "I want to be EMPOWERED"

The Plug-In Profit Site is the turn-key marketing system our
team is using to build an extraordinary residual income working
from home with EMPOWERISM! Let me know if you need any help!

Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY
money WORKING FROM HOME on the Internet!

PlugInProfit Site


Essential Rules for Effective Email Marketing

Essential Rules For Effective Email Marketing

If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want tooffend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off aconsumer with your email and you can be sure they`lltune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you!

A message that earns respect makes sales. That`s why ourfirst topic for discussion is email etiquette. (Later in thecourse, we`ll talk more about how to write an email salesletter.)
Train yourself to always -- and I mean ALWAYS -- stick tothe rules below when crafting your email message.

Whenever you write an email, always format the lines so thatthey`re 65 characters, or less, across. To do this, you mayneed to do a "hard return" by hitting "Enter" at the end ofthe line.
Wondering why to limit your lines to just 65 characters?(Good question! It shows you`re thinking.) There are two reasons that "less is more":

-- The first thing to remember is that looking at a computerscreen for a long time causes EYE FATIGUE for many readers.The shorter span of characters across the screen makesreading easier and more appealing to the recipient of youremail message.

-- The other reason to go short instead of long is this:some email clients AUTOMATICALLY ENFORCE LINE-WRAPPING at 60-65 characters on received messages. If your email is wrapped at 70, the content will arrive all "chopped up."This makes it unattractive...and worse -- unappealing.

-- Tip within a Rule #1: Email clients such as OutlookExpress allow you to SET THE LINE-WRAP to anycharacter-width you choose. That means you won`t have tohit Enter each time after typing 65 characters. Makes lifeeasier!

-- Tip within a Rule #2 - You can type 65 asterisks ordashes in a Notepad file to create a template. Then pasteyour email below it to see if any lines extend too far tothe right.

How many times have you changed the TV channel to avoidlistening to a screaming car salesperson? No one likes ascreaming salesperson...and no one likes a "screaming" emailmessage, either. Odds are, when someone has over-amped thevolume of their message by using too many capital letters(not to mention too many exclamation points and otherpunctuation) - you`re going to be turned off.

On the Internet, email messages written in all caps areconsidered yelling. It`s okay to write some sentences andsome words in all caps, but don`t go overboard. (As you cansee in this message, I`ve tried to use capital letters tohelp break up sections of the content from time to time)

-- Tip within a Rule: Consumers buy from a source theytrust. Emails in all caps are perceived as "shady" oruneducated, and have an appearance that damages thecredibility of an offer.

=> RULE #3 - WATCH YOUR Ps & Qs (Spelling and Grammar)
Would you be influenced by an email selling you somethingthat had noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes? Sure youwould...and the influence would be negative, not positive!When a consumer reads a sales message that`s filled witherrors, they think to themselves, "Good grief, this persondoesn`t even take the time to get his emails right. Hisproduct is probably the same quality as his emails."

When you`re in business, YOUR IMAGE IS YOUR REPUTATION and your reputation is the reason people buy from you or the guy down the block. It`s essential that you create an image of INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY, and HONESTY in the mind of your prospects. Sending emails filled with errors doesn`t hurt your professional destroys it. (Ouch!)

Stay Tuned for our next post:

Lesson #2 fasterthan you can say, "I want to be EMPOWERED"

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