email marketing - direct marketing search box

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Graduation Present


Graduation Present
25 Mouth-Watering Email Subject Lines


When someone works as hard as you have studying each lesson
in your "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" course,
they deserve a reward.and this is one you`ll really like.

Today, I`m going to give you not 5, not 8, not 17, but 25
ability to grab attention, and then transform attention into
interest, and interest into desire.

You can copy some of them exactly and use others as
templates for your email marketing campaigns. If you`re
feel extra creative, you can use these
"kitchen-tested/market-approved" subject lines to light the
fire under your Innovation Burner.

24 Mouth-Watering Email Subject Lines
(Consumers Just Eat `Em Up!)

The following are 25 email subject lines that have gotten
outstanding results in marketing campaigns for a broad
spectrum of goods, products, and services. If they work for
"Brand X," think how well they`re work for "Brand YOU."

1. Who really wants to be a(n) X ?

2. What do YOU want for Christmas?

3. You`ve got to see this ...

4. Doctors spill the beans ...

5. I goofed ...

6. Special Pre-release Announcement

7. You`re going to love this one

8. Here`s the answer you`ve been looking for

9. 3 minutes to greater X, X, and X

10. DISCOVERED! The secret to X

11. Urgent News

12. Still skeptical? Here`s why you should be!

13. Our loss is your gain

14. This is extremely urgent

15. I need your help ...

16. Check this out and let me know

17. Important notice from

18. Something that might interest you ...

19. Before you give up, here`s my suggestion

20. Open this before 7 p.m.

21. Make X work for you!

22. Seen this yet?

23. Sneak Peek at .com

24. Newsflash from

Use them in good (marketing) "health"!


Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro


You`ve completed the course - now what?


Happy Graduation!

"Print This Page - Makes For An Easier Read"


You`ve completed the nine lessons in your "Marketing
Strategies that EMPOWER Success" course. You`ve
demonstrated that you`ve got what it takes to succeed by
investing time, effort, and brain cells on each day`s

I congratulate you for understanding that there`s no "magic
pill" that will make you a better marketer and for being
willing to do the work necessary to bring yourself a
lifetime of income, moolah, "Benjamins" and cold, hard cash
by the truckload. I hope you`ve found the lessons valuable,
and enjoyed the process of learning.

Once you get a taste of what riches and rewards the right
email marketing strategies will bring you, you`ll want to
learn more to earn more. It`s the most exciting,
invigorating, and revenue-generating "vicious cycle" you`ll
ever experience in your life. Just 1 or 2 pieces of
information from this course can literally send your sales
into orbit - and grow your business into an inter-planetary
success machine. Once that happens, you`ll be hooked.

If you`re feeling strong on email marketing, but soft on
creating or identifying the product to sell, I`ve got a
suggestion for you: market Empowerism subscriptions!

It`s a proven product, still going strong after more than
SIX YEARS online. And here`s something you`ll really like:
it`s a COMPLETE TURNKEY BUSINESS. That means it`s working
for you, even when you`re working on something else: your
tan, your daughter`s algebra homework, the designs for your
dream home.

You can build a monthly RENEWAL INCOME (plus generous

Got the idea? Now get the details!

It`s been a pleasure sharing the ins-and-outs of email
marketing with you. I hope you`ll give us a chance to give
you even more help, support and "roadside service" on your
trip to "Millionaire Acres."


Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro

P.S. Even if you`re not interested in working a business,
surely you are too smart to turn down the offer to
D0UBLE YOUR MONEY with any leads purchase! Hundreds of
people have doubled their money in the time it took you to
read this course. What are you waiting for?

P.P.S. After you join EMPOWERISM, turn around and sign up for
the Plug-In Profit Site service

The Plug-In Profit Site is the turn-key marketing system our
team is using to build an extraordinary residual income working
from home with EMPOWERISM! Let me know if you need any help!

Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY
money WORKING FROM HOME on the Internet!

Friday, March 04, 2005


Lesson #9 - the last in this series


Lesson #9 - The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists
Part 2 - What`s Safe


In today`s "Marketing Strategies That EMPOWER Success"
lesson, you`re going to learn how to protect yourself and
your money from ineffective email lists. I`m going to
introduce you to the safe-and-sound distribution techniques
that will ensure that your message is always welcomed into a
recipients` inbox, not his/her Trash Bin.

The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists
Part 2: What`s Safe

=> Safe Email Marketing

Safe email marketing in the direct marketing/Internet
marketing world is called OPT-IN EMAIL MARKETING. This is
an important term and one you need to commit to memory as a
fundamental building block in successful marketing.

You`ve probably seen ads in trade magazines offering "Opt-in
Email Lists." This is your best bet when conducting a
direct email campaign. Opt-in lists help you identify
people that are "pre-sold" when it comes to receiving offers
in the mail. By opting-in to a list, they let you know that
they`re eager to read about something new and beneficial.

Safe Email Marketing breaks down into these 2 categories:

-Paid Safe Lists
-Opt-In List Rentals


This is a twist on opt-in email marketing where you pay for
the privilege of being able to send email to a list of other
marketers who have done the same. A paid safe list can range
in price from $2 and up.

The advantages: you don`t have to send the emails using your
ISP and you won`t have to worry about spam complaints and

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL IN AISLE 5: You may be interested to
know that Empowerism offers one of the most comprehensive,
organized, and updated Safelist Directories in existence and
access comes with your subscription. Our subscribers are
VERY happy with it. Visit this site for more details.


This type of list is similar to a standard "specialty"
direct mail list. It`s targeted and aimed at people who are
interested in what you have to offer.

Companies that offer list rentals usually collect millions
of email addresses by advertising well-branded, popular
products and services. Also they may offer no-cost
newsletters and/or contests as a way to capture addresses.

Opt-in list rental companies ask interested people to fill
out a form on their website. The forms gather as much info
as possible, which allows the company to better categorize
their email lists according to preferences by industry:
gardening, bodybuilding, Internet marketing, etc.

Of course you`re going to pay more to rent this type of
list, but you won`t find a better-targeted audience for your
offer. These companies do the mailing for you, so you won`t
have access to the names.


Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro

P.S. It`s no coincidence that Empowerism offers a menu of
superb List Rental Companies like the ones described above
as part of its subscriber services along with the Safelist
Directory. Nine out of ten businesses fail because they
don`t have the right tools or don`t know how to use them.
Empowerism can help you be the #1-in-10 that succeeds!

Subscribe now to take advantage of our turnkey marketing
system and put your business on autopilot then get ready for
nothing but BLUE SKIES.

P.P.S. After you join EMPOWERISM, turn around and sign up for
the Plug-In Profit Site service.

The Plug-In Profit Site is the turn-key marketing system our team is using to build an extraordinary residual income working
from home with EMPOWERISM! Let me know if you need any help!

Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY
money WORKING FROM HOME on the Internet!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Todays, Lesson #8 (one more to go!)


Lesson #8 - The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists
Part I - What`s Unsafe


In today`s "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success"
lesson, we`re getting "back to basics" -- the basics of
direct email marketing AND email lists. This is a lesson
you`ll really be able to put into practice!

What you`re about to learn will save you time, money, and
frustration. So read carefully. The time you spend today
will pay off for years to come and it will put you ahead of
most marketers out there.

The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists - What`s Unsafe

=> Unsafe Email Marketing

Unsafe email marketing is a method many people foolishly
try, thinking it will yield big money fast. When you send an
UNSOLICITED EMAIL to someone -- when you invite yourself
into someone`s emailbox without invitation or permission --
that`s called SPAM.

If the people receiving your messages have no interest in
your offer, or they simply don`t know you and don`t want to
know you, chances are they`re tossing your message into the
trash bin and you`re tossing your marketing dollars down the
toilet. Sending spam -- and that`s exactly how your
unsolicited message will be reviewed, regardless of the
value of your offer -- gives your business a black eye and
damages your reputation...and the "kicker" is: it doesn`t`
improve business!


Conducting a marketing campaign using BULK EMAIL will
manifest the same results as spam.

You may have seen ads that say, "1000000 email addresses for
only $29.95." Don`t fall for that. You`re only going to get
spam complaints and your ISP connection may be shut down!

The reason for this is that most all of the bulk mail lists
you see being advertised online are nothing but a list of
email addresses that have been harvested from websites all
over the Internet. These addresses and are then sold again
and again as "targeted" bulk email.

WARNING: The only "target" here is your money! You MUST
stay away from these bulk lists. They`re a waste. Remember
that a list that`s advertised as "Targeted" is probably not
accurate, reliable or safe.

If you were marketing a revolutionary new gardening tool,
would you send 10000 direct mail pieces to names randomly
snatched from the phonebook?

Or ...

Would it be wiser to send your offer a mailing list of
people who have recently purchased gardening tools and
products through mail order?


No legitimate businessperson would ever send thousands of
emails to random people culled from the Internet. Bulk
mailing is unprofessional and makes you look bad.

Bulk mailing can make your bottom line look bad, too. You
want to do more than hit your target, you want to hit a
bullseye on that target. Bulk lists aren`t the answer.
When you do a direct email or direct mail campaign to a
RESPECTABLE rental list, if the people on the list have
never heard of you before (called a COLD LIST),
statistically, you`re likely to get a .005% response or

Does this mean that email campaigns are doomed before they
start? No at all. As long as you use emails that are safe,
you won`t be sorry.

So keep your eyes peeled for your next lesson -- the SAFE
way to Email


Michael Larsen - The Home Biz Pro

P.S. Picture your business growing faster than ever -
possibly DOUBLING OR TRIPLING your income in record time.
Piece of cake! Now imagine the icing on the cake: having
more time to do the things you enjoy. Think about spending
more time with your family and enjoying the finer things in

It`s difficult to do it alone. But with EMPOWERISM you`ll
learn the PREMIER MARKETING STRATEGIES that the pros are
using. Plus, you can take advantage of Empowerism`s RSVP
and get D0UBLE your money on EACH leads order!

P.P.S. After you join EMPOWERISM, turn around and sign up for
the Plug-In Profit Site service.

The Plug-In Profit Site is the turn-key marketing system our
team is using to build an extraordinary residual income working
from home with EMPOWERISM! Let me know if you need any help!

Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY
money WORKING FROM HOME on the Internet!


Lesson #7


LESSON #7 - Triggers That May Cause Email Filters To Delete
Your Email

"Print This Page - Makes For An Easier Read"



Even though you may have the perfect marketing plan, along
with the perfect email sales letter, you still have to
overcome the obstacle of the dreaded spam filters. Spam
filters are automatic and unrelenting, and what they do is
irreversible. When your message is snatched up before it
reaches your prospect`s inbox, it`s gone for good.

What an unfortunate fate for of all that beautiful sales
copy! To keep from having your messages go down the drain,
you need to know the words, phrases, and characters that
will cause your email to be treated like it has The
Plague -- isolated and left to die alone.

In today`s "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success,"
lesson you`re going to learn certain words and numeric
characters that activate spam filters. If your email or
subject line contains these "hot button" words, it`s
good-bye consumer and hello trash bin.

Trigger Words & Characters That May Cause Email Filters To
Delete Your Email -or- How To Avoid Shooting Yourself in the
Foot on the Internet

Foolish, short-sighted marketers have created a "crisis" in
email in much the same way unscrupulous telemarketers gave
THAT business a bad name. (There`s nothing wrong with
telemarketing, per se, just with shady telemarketers and the
ones who interrupt dinner!)

By sending millions upon millions of unsolicited messages,
"bulk marketers" have turned consumers into enemies and
their email boxes into barricaded fortresses with fortified
perimeters. Utter the wrong word -- one of the "dreaded"
TRIGGER WORDS that email filters know and hate -- and
you`re wasting your time.

Your message will be deleted instantly and your carefully
crafted offer -- with all those brilliant headlines and
benefits, the terrific bonuses, the zero-risk guarantee, and
the irresistible post-script...none of it will ever be read!
What a waste.


The U.s. Congress has even gotten in on the act (pardon the
pun) of trying to cut down on the garbage truckloads of
unsolicited email that`s flying through cyberspace. In
2003, the CAN SPAM Act became official, with laws that
supercede state spam laws and fairly clearly spell out what
is and is not acceptable and required when it comes to
sending email. Janet Wilson, owner of Empowerism, has
written a user-friendly summary and article about the CAN
SPAM act, which is available in the latest issue of
Empowerism`s Excellence magazine.

So how can you ensure that your emails make "safe harbor" in
a cold, cruel, and unwelcoming cyber-world? Good question.

The best way to help your message reach the eyes that you
want to see them is to familiarize yourself with the TRIGGER
WORDS AND CHARACTERS that activate filters and get your
message a one-way ticket to the trash. Get to know them and
then never use them.

Here`s the trick: JUNK AND ADULT CONTENT FILTERS work by
looking for specific KEYWORDS, key phrases, and key
characters (like the dollar symbol, for example). Filters
check the To and From addresses for these keywords. Then
they go hunting for those words in the subject line and the
body of the message, or in a combination of the two to see
what`s being used and over-used.


"Over-used" is an important part of the trigger word
equation. A single use of the word "fr ee" (as an example),
probably won`t "raise an eyebrow" on a common filter. But
use the word a dozen times and it`s "Goodbye Charlie."

=> THE EMPOWERISM "Z" LIST (as opposed to the "A" list)

To serve you better, Empowerism has compiled an
up-to-the-minute list of common "trigger" words and
combinations that when used - or overused - activate spam
filters. Use this information to wrap your messages in a
protective "force field" that even the most powerful filters
will pass right over.

Triggers That May Cause Email Filters To Delete Your Email
AKA: The Empowerism "Z" List

- First 8 characters of the From address are digits
- Subject contains "advertisement" or "adv"
- Body contains "money back"
- Body contains "cards accepted"
- Body contains "spam removal instructions"
- Body contains "extra income"
- Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "$"
- Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "free"
- Body contains ",000" AND Body contains "!!" AND Body contains "$"
- Body contains "Dear friend"
- Body contains "for free?"
- Body contains "for free!"
- Body contains "Guarantee" AND Body contains "satisfaction" OR "absolute"
- Body contains "more info" AND Body contains "visit " AND Body contains "$"
- Body contains "SPECIAL PROMOTION"
- Body contains "one-time mail"
- Subject contains "$$"
- Body contains "$$$"
- Body contains "order today"
- Body contains "order now!"
- Body contains "money-back guarantee"
- Body contains "100% satisfied"
- To address contains "friend@"
- To address contains "public@"
- To address contains "success@"
- From address contains "sales@"
- From address contains "success."
- From address contains "success@"
- From address contains "mail@"
- From address contains "@public"
- From address contains "@savvy"
- From address contains "profits@"
- From address contains "hello@"
- Body address contains " mlm"
- Body address contains "@mlm"
- Body address contains "///////////////"
- Body contains "check or money order"
- Body contains "click here" or "click below" (try using "visit here" instead)


It`s going to take a little more creativity on your part to
write emails that won`t be deleted by filters. You`ll need
to replace trigger words with equally effective non-trigger
words. But don`t worry -- that`s why the Thesaurus was

Today, you`ve learned how to protect your messages from
being deleted by spam filters. Next time, we`re going to
talk about how to make sure your messages are hitting the
right target audience to ensure a "bullseye" for selling.


Michael Larsen
The Home Biz Pro

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Lesson #6 is ready


LESSON #6 - 8 Steps to Irresistible Email Copy Every Time


You`ve already mastered 5 lessons and a study break in the
"Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" course and
you`re doing great.

Today, you`re in for a treat. You`re going to build on
your past achievements and learn how to consistently write
the irresistible sales copy that could potentially put
thousands of dollars, if not more, in your pocket.

I`m talking about the kinds of skills that don`t just build
wealth...they build GENERATIONAL WEALTH. You can put your
great-grandchildren through medical school if you get these
steps right! (You think I`m kidding, but I`m not - many
people are doing just that.)

8 Steps to Irresistible Email Copy Every Time


Before you sit down to write your email sales letter, you`ve
got to determine exactly who your audience is. This is a
master key to getting results from email marketing.

Ask yourself these questions:

- What do your prospects/customers want?
- What frustrates your prospects/customers most?
- Who else is selling something similar to you?
- Why should your prospects/customers believe you?
- Why should prospects/customers respond to you instead of
someone else?
- What kind of appeals will your target market respond to?


Before an email can generate results, recipients need to
open it. But what can you do to spark their interest and
get their interest "motor" revved up?

Your SUBJECT LINE is the key.

There are four types of email formulas you can use as a
guide in crafting your email. Each has a different
PSYCHOLOGICAL APPEAL that works like magic on consumers.
Here are some examples:

- State a powerful benefit - "Empowerism Satisfies Your Need
for Leads"

- Pique curiosity - "Empowerism Has Uncovered the Secrets of

- Write your subject line with a news angle - "Empowerism
Launches RSVP For Those Who Want to Double Their Money

- Offer Immediate Gratification - "With Empowerism RSVP, you
can start the money wheels turning before the sun goes down

Here`s an important "homework assignment": Write at least
25 SUBJECT LINES before you decide on which one to use. Take
the best two and test them against each other in your
marketing campaign. (Save the "losers" to use for other
purposes or spruce up later.)

=> Step #3 - WHAT`S IN IT FOR THEM?

Sit down and write every conceivable benefit your product
has. Don`t know the difference between features and
benefits? Features describe the product; benefits describe
the results of using the product. Features appeal to
logic...logic justifies emotion...emotion drives sales (see

Here`s a rule of thumb for benefits: ask yourself "What can
my product or service do for my customer?" Then begin to
write your letter telling your reader WHAT`S IN IT FOR THEM.
Tell them how much better life will be for them after they
buy from you. Tell them how much better they`ll feel. Tell
them how their peers will respect them more.


When promoting anything to anybody, you must remember that
buying decisions are based upon emotion and later backed up
by logic. Before you write a single word, determine what
emotional hot buttons you need to push to "jumpstart" your

Selling health supplements? Go for the "fear of illness"
button with "A Natural Way to Save Your Eyesight." Selling
political bumper stickers? Hit the "anger" button with:
"Let the President Know What You Think of His Policies."
Other buttons include: curiosity, greed, ego, vanity, hope,
and/or fear of scarcity or security.


To convince people to buy your product or service, you must
make them believe that your offer is credible and that you
(or your product) will deliver as promised.

How do you do that? Here are three ways you can build
credibility with the readers of your sales letter:

- Provide testimonials.
- Include endorsement letters from authority figures in your
- Make your offer and promises sincere and believable.

=> Step #6 - A GUARANTEE

Nowadays, trying to sell without some type of guarantee is a
losing proposition. You`ve got to have one. And the stronger
your guarantee, the better your response will be. And,
believe it or not, although most people will NOT ask for a
refund, they`ll trust your offer knowing that you stand
behind it.

You can offer a 24-hour, 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, or even a
full-year. And here`s an interesting fact: The longer the
time period, the fewer returns you`ll have! It`s human
nature to procrastinate, so the more time someone thinks
they have to get a refund, the more they`ll put it off or
forget about the refund altogether.

=> Step #7 - DON`T FORGET TO ASK

It happens all the time. Someone makes a fantastic sales
presentation, and then doesn`t close the deal because he/she
didn`t clearly ask for the order or made the process
confusing rather than simple.

- From the Research Department: Statistics show that you
need to ask for the order at least three times to close
substantial sales. (Some studies put the number at 7!)

If you can, offer several ways for your prospects to
order -- consumers love choice. It tells them, "You`re
talking directly to me and meeting my unique needs." If you
only offer one way to order, make it crystal clear how AND
how easy it is. Describe it in detail and ask for the
order. Then ask again.

=> Step #8 - THE EYES HAVE IT

It`s a well-known fact: Large blocks of copy are
intimidating and will often send people running for the
hills or at least the Delete button.

The solution? Break up paragraphs into two to four
sentences. Use several subheadings throughout the email
letter. And use asterisks, dashes, and ellipses (...) to
give your copy more rhythm. Bullet points are excellent
eye-catchers - use them whenever appropriate.

That`s a wrap for this lesson. Next time we`ll be saluting
"Triggers." No, not horses named in honor of Roy Rogers old
steed -- trigger WORDS that will have consumers begging you
to take the money out of their wallets.

Sound good? Stay tuned!


Michael Larsen - The Home Biz Pro

Monday, February 28, 2005


Lesson #5 - you`re halfway there!


LESSON #5 - Using Autoresponders To Multiply Marketing Power
& Save Time!


Today`s lesson is going to introduce you to your new best
friend -- the autoresponder.

One of the best ways to cultivate new business and save
hours of time is to use an autoresponder. An autoresponder
gives you the ability to follow-up *automatically* on the
email addresses you capture. Instead of wasting hours
following up manually, you can let your autoresponder follow
up while you do the things that you do best -- build your
business...putter in the your kids around the
house...catch up on your power-napping.

If you have an autoresponder, today`s lesson will show you
how to make it super-effective. If you don`t have an
autoresponder, Empowerism is the place to go.

(As so many of our subscribers already know, Empowerism is
truly dedicated to providing an ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION to the
challenges of selling on the Internet. I hope you`ll visit
our site and let us "show you around" Empowerism and the
exciting RSVP -- the NEW way to buy leads.)

Using Autoresponders To Multiply Marketing Power &
Save Time!

An autoresponder gives you the ability to send messages
effortlessly for months on end. So if you captured an email
address six months ago, your autoresponder can repeatedly
contact that person to offer your product or service.


Repeat contact is a concept that top marketers first used
effectively in the offline world. When you conduct a direct
mail campaign, you send out message after message until it`s
no longer cost-effective. This strategy yields a much higher
response rate than with a one-shot mailing (typically just
1% or less).

-From the Research Labs: Research shows that, on average, A
have any real chance at closing a sale.


If you apply this strategy to your Internet marketing
campaigns, you`ll have a real edge over the competition.
Remember: 90% of businesses do not follow-up with



You don`t want an email-inbox crammed with ads and sales
letters, and neither does anyone else. Don`t send out sales
letter after sales letter. Your messages will become an
annoyance and the recipient will either unsubscribe or just
delete the messages whenever they arrive.

By sending a series of sales letters SPACED APART BY 2-4
DAYS, you`ll keep your prospect aware of your business and
develop credibility over time without being a pest.


Send freebies such as ebooks, info reports, newsletters,
software, or even product samples. Many marketers use this
approach by offering a newsletter.

-Sneaky Salesmanship: Within the newsletter you have an
excellent opportunity to plug your product with a few lines
of irresistible copy.

With the soft sell approach, you can contact your prospect
once or even twice a week with "valuable information" --
which coincidentally mentions your product or service --
without seeming like you`re over-selling. If you`re a
vacuum cleaner distributor, for example, send a newsletter
on allergies and dust mites, for example.


Give away a valuable training course via email that has
special appeal to your recipients! You can create a simple
3-day, 5-day, 7 day, or even longer course. And at the end
of some of the course lessons you can add a few lines of
copy plugging your product or service.

This, too, is a soft sell approach.


Use a variation of the hard sell, soft sell approach.
Simply alternate your messages. A balance of 40% hard-sell
and 60% soft-sell is generally about right.

That wraps up today`s lesson. Earlier I promised you a
"crash course" in creating the perfect email message. Keep
your eye on the horizon for: 8 Steps to Irresistible Copy
EVERY Time."

Bye for now!


Michael Larsen - The Home Biz Pro

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